Hereditary Quotes
Teach you children poetry; it opens the mind, lends grace to wisdom and makes the heroic virtues hereditary.
Walter Scott
I was born with this. It's a hereditary genetic condition. This is something you can go your whole life without really knowing that something's wrong. I had high blood pressure, and that was the first sign.
Steven Cojocaru
We stand a better chance with aristocracy, whether hereditary or elective, than with monarchy.
Ezra Stiles
I finally demonstrated that typhus infection is not hereditary in the louse.
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.
Carl Sagan
When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.
Thomas Paine
Of the various forms of government which have prevailed in the world, an hereditary monarchy seems to present the fairest scope for ridicule.
Edward Gibbon
The greater part of the governments on earth may be termed monarchical aristocracies, or hereditary dominions independent of the people.
Ezra Stiles
Capitalism has its weaknesses. But it is capitalism that ended the stranglehold of the hereditary aristocracies, raised the standard of living for most of the world and enabled the emancipation of women.
Camille Paglia
There are heads of royal families who control hereditary fortunes that defy comprehension.
Paul Getty
I'm dyslexic, I have attention-deficit disorder, and I've got something like a hereditary tremor.
Ozzy Osbourne