Forgive Quotes
- Page 4The one process now going on that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of genetic and species diversity by the destruction of natural habitats. This is the folly our descendants are least likely to forgive us.
E. O. Wilson
People who truly love us can be divided into two categories: those who understand us, and those who forgive us our worst sins. Rarely do you find someone capable of both.
Jonathan Carroll
I never forget. I never forgive. I can wait. I find it very easy to harbor a grudge. I have scores to settle.
Tom Wolfe
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
We all like to forgive, and love best not those who offend us least, nor who have done most for us, but those who make it most easy for us to forgive them.
Samuel Butler
There is nothing that people bear more impatiently, or forgive less, than contempt: and an injury is much sooner forgotten than an insult.
Lord Chesterfield
You can forgive people who do not follow you through a philosophical disquisition; but to find your wife laughing when you had tears in your eyes, or staring when you were in a fit of laughter, would go some way towards a dissolution of the marriage.
Robert Louis Stevenson
I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget.
Chaim Herzog
When people realize that they have been forgiven of everything, it becomes a little bit easier for them to forgive others.
Jennifer O'Neill
But when I lose my temper, I find it difficult to forgive myself. I feel I've failed. I can be calm in a crisis, in the face of death or things that hurt badly. I don't get hysterical, which may be masochistic of me.
Emma Thompson
God forgive me if I do wrong in following with ardor the strongest instincts of my nature.
Julia Ward Howe
If you forgive people enough you belong to them, and they to you, whether either person likes it or not squatter's rights of the heart.
James Hilton
A personal offense is like a scratch on a phonograph record. I couldn't move my thoughts beyond my pain. It kept repeating, as if I were stuck within its grooves. There was only one way to play beyond it. I had to forgive them, so my heart could take its form again.
Laurel Lee
Many promising reconciliations have broken down because while both parties come prepared to forgive, neither party come prepared to be forgiven.
Charles Williams
Sometimes you see how humanity can rise above any kind of cultural ills and hate that a person's capacity to love and communicate and forgive can be bigger than anything else.
Viola Davis
Forgive me, Spirit of my spirit, for this, that I have found it easier to read the mystery told in tears and understood Thee better in sorrow than in joy.
George William Russell
If you're going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy; God will forgive you but the bureaucracy won't.
Hyman Rickover
Man, born of woman, has found it a hard thing to forgive her for giving him birth. The patriarchal protest against the ancient matriarch has borne strange fruit through the years.
Lillian Smith
A lot of times, people feel that if they forgive the person who hurt them, then they will continue to take advantage of them or not take responsibility for what they did wrong.
Joyce Meyer
It's said in Hollywood that you should always forgive your enemies - because you never know when you'll have to work with them.
Lana Turner