Flung Quotes
Breathless, we flung us on a windy hill, Laughed in the sun, and kissed the lovely grass.
Rupert Brooke
He flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions.
Stephen Leacock
Even if the Bush Administration had flung open the gates to stem-cell research years ago, we would not be at the point of offering treatment today. Christopher Reeve would still have been taken from us. But we would be closer.
Patti Davis
At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
Jean Houston
Bits and pieces flung into the universe, sticking in the sky like cotton balls on a jet black velcro surface.
Bradley Chicho
The sun was like a great visiting presence that stimulated and took its due from all animal energy. When it flung wide its cloak and stepped down over the edge of the fields at evening, it left behind it a spent and exhausted world.
Willa Cather