Fear Quotes
- Page 38I don't have any fear of intimacy, but rather thrive on it, which is rare in a public person.
Jack Nicholson
I have always been aware that you have to get people listening before you can change their minds. Any artist's big fear is being ignored, so if you get debate, that's great.
Damien Hirst
It's the opinion of some that crops could be grown on the moon; which raises the fear that it may not be long before we're paying somebody not to.
Franklin P. Jones
Almost all the ideas we have about being a man or being a woman are so burdened with pain, anxiety, fear and self-doubt. For many of us, the confusion around this question is excruciating.
Andrew Cohen
I started flying because I had a fear of it early on. I figured if I learned to fly, I would understand better what was happening and started taking lessons in the late 1950's, once I had made some money on tour.
Arnold Palmer
Well may the boldest fear and the wisest tremble when incurring responsibilities on which may depend our country's peace and prosperity, and in some degree the hopes and happiness of the whole human family.
James K. Polk
In dread fear of sentimentality, another thing true is not said-that for its staff the paper is a source of pride and, I do believe, an object of affection and-yes, love.
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
My work ethic came from my parents and my fear of failure. I came from a small, predominantly black school and I didn't want to let them down.
Jerry Rice
The poet does not fear death, not because he believes in the fantasy of heroes, but because death constantly visits his thoughts and is thus an image of a serene dialogue.
Salvatore Quasimodo
The public is not to see where power lies, how it shapes policy, and for what ends. Rather, people are to hate and fear one another.
Noam Chomsky
Can someone within that society walk into the town square and say what they want without fear of being punished for his or her views? If so, then that society is a free society. If not, it is a fear society.
Natan Sharansky
Paramount is the need to secure human rights. The form of rule should be such that the citizen does not have to fear the State, but gives it direction and confidently participates in its administration.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
I love the ocean. I've always liked the blue, so tranquil and peaceful and gliding. And the fear of it.
Siouxsie Sioux
An important consequence of freeing oneself from the fear of death is a radical opening to spirituality of a universal and non-denominational type.
Stanislav Grof
If you let your fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct, your life will be safe, expedient and thin.
Katharine Butler Hathaway
When we can lay down our fear and anger and choose responses other than aggression, we create the conditions for bringing out the best in us humans.
Margaret J. Wheatley
I fear we have shot our bolt - but we have been to Pole and done the longest journey on record.
Robert Falcon Scott
In the cold, shivering twilight, preceding the daybreak of civilization, the dominating emotion of man was fear.
Paul Harris
My coming to faith did not start with a leap but rather a series of staggers from what seemed like one safe place to another. Like lily pads, round and green, these places summoned and then held me up while I grew. Each prepared me for the next leaf on which I would land, and in this way I moved across the swamp of doubt and fear.
Anne Lamott