Elections Quotes
I was up late last night yapping about the elections on CNN and up early this morning doing the same thing in my daughter's kindergarten class.
Tucker Carlson
I think the Democratic Party realizes, having lost two presidential elections, we need to do a better job of creating a farm team.
John Mahoney
The participation in European elections was always not very exciting. People are very interested in European issues, but they don't see the person who is representing Europe.
Joschka Fischer
We've got 50 percent voter turnout for presidential elections. That's appalling. We can do so much better.
Joan Blades
The House is rooted in the principle of direct elections and is unique among all branches and bodies of the federal government as without exception, the people's voice.
Charles W. Pickering
Much of what Tea Party candidates claimed about the world and the global economy during the 2010 elections would have earned their adherents a well-deserved F in any freshman economics (or earth science) class.
Eric Alterman
We have seen voters denied their rights in recent elections as they have been incorrectly purged from lists, their absentee votes not counted, and voting machine integrity and security not assured.
Marcy Kaptur
The big secret to winning elections is to get more votes than your opponent. My friend Representative Robin Hayes is a good example to study.
Jesse Helms
The way we're going to win elections in this country is not to become Republican lite. The way we're going to win elections in this country is to stand up for what we believe in.
Howard Dean
Just two weeks ago, millions of Iraqis defied the threats of terrorists and went to the polls to determine their own future. I congratulate the Iraqi people for the courage they've shown in making these elections so successful.
Bill Frist
When we get a chance to take part in elections, I am ready to fight for leading positions, including in the presidential vote.
Alexei Navalny
In the span of three years, the Iraqi people participated in three elections, drafted a constitution, and elected a new government. While more work remains, this is remarkable progress.
Tim Murphy
Taiwan is a budding democracy, and the people have participated in multi-party democratic elections since 1996.
Todd Akin
Elections should be held on April 16th- the day after we pay our income taxes. That is one of the few things that might discourage politicians from being big spenders.
Thomas Sowell
When it comes to federal elections law, Tom DeLay and his special-interest friends live by one set of rules, and everyone else lives by a very different set.
Rahm Emanuel
Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work - that goes on, it adds up.
Barbara Kingsolver
But they are not going to take on Big Oil because Big Oil is very generous at campaign time, and this is all about the elections. They want to pretend that they are doing something meaningful.
Peter DeFazio
I think about my parents all the time, especially on Sunday when I'm at Mass. My mother always said, 'We do not pray to win elections. We pray for people's health, we pray that God's will be done, we pray that we do our best. But we do not pray to win elections.'
Nancy Pelosi
Several amendments should be made to the primary and general election laws to improve them, but such changes must in no way interfere with a full and free expression of the people's choice in naming the candidates to be voted on at general elections.
Arthur Capper
I think the elections have gone well, although there is so much insecurity in Iraq. So far during the counting of ballots, there has not been a significant complaint. We have to wait to see what the outcome of the counting is.
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
We hope and we've made clear that the forces need to come out. It needs to be full and complete withdrawal. Our position is it needs to be done as soon as possible so that the elections can be free, fair and free of outside influence.
Stephen Hadley
Incumbent White House parties have won 10 of the last 18 presidential elections; the odds are tight, but they favor Obama in 2012. And so gloomy Democrats, check your despair; gleeful Republicans, watch the hubris.
Jon Meacham
As someone who is in awe and grateful every day to be in a country where freedom of the press, free speech and free elections are a way of life, I am wowed, amazed and excited by the opportunity to moderate a 2012 presidential debate.
Candy Crowley
The winner of the elections which saw the participation of almsot 30 million people was the Iranian nation and the losers were those who tried to keep people away from the polls.
Ayatollah Khamenei