Distinguishes Quotes
The Church's note must be a supernatural note which distinguishes incarnation from immanence, redemption from evolution, the Kingdom of God from mere spiritual process.
Arthur Middleton
I think there's one thing which distinguishes our art - we don't consider. We don't think. We write a little verse because it comes to us.
Howard Nemerov
I think that what most artists are trying to do is trying to understand. I think what distinguishes creative people and/or artists from another type of person is perhaps a willingness to go headlong into that uncertainty.
Brandon Boyd
Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacle s, discouragement s, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle
The main peculiarity which distinguishes man from other animals is the means of his support-the power which he possesses of very greatly increasing these means.
Thomas Malthus
The self has the characteristic that it is an object to itself, and that characteristic distinguishes it from other objects and from the body.
George H. Mead
Populists have always been out to challenge the orthodoxy of the corporate order and to empower workaday Americans so they can control their own economic and political destinies. This approach distinguishes the movement from classic liberalism, which seeks to live in harmony with concentrated corporate power by trying to regulate excesses.
Jim Hightower
Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attributable to science, which achieved its most spectacular triumphs in the seventeenth century.
Bertrand Russell
What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their ability to act according to their beliefs.
Henry Miller
The word liberal distinguishes whatever nourishes the mind and spirit from the training which is merely practical or professional or from the trivialities which are no training at all.
Alan K. Simpson
The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.
William Osler
Intellect distinguishes between the possible and the impossible; reason distinguishes between the sensible and the senseless. Even the possible can be senseless.
Max Born
The refusal to rest content, the willingness to risk excess on behalf of one's obsessions, is what distinguishes artists from entertainers, and what makes some artists adventurers on behalf of us all.
John Updike
To err is human; but contrition felt for the crime distinguishes the virtuous from the wicked.
Vittorio Alfieri
Partisans fight on familiar territory with professed political objectives to conquer power. This is what distinguishes them from terrorists.
Jurgen Habermas
Therefore, vegetarianism alone can give us the quality of com-passion, which distinguishes man from the rest of the animal world.
Morarji Desai
It's perfectly obvious that there is some genetic factor that distinguishes humans from other animals and that it is language-specific. The theory of that genetic component, whatever it turns out to be, is what is called universal grammar.
Noam Chomsky
Clothes and jewellery should be startling, individual. When you see a woman in my clothes, you want to know more about them. To me, that is what distinguishes good designers from bad designers.
Alexander McQueen
The New Testament evinces its universal design in its very, style, which alone distinguishes it from all the literary productions of earlier and later times.
Philip Schaff
We need a foreign policy that distinguishes America's friends from her enemies, and recognizes the true threats that we face.
Sarah Palin
There is a continuum of values between the churches and the general community. What distinguishes the handling of these values in the churches is mainly the heavier dosage of religious vocabulary involved.
Peter L. Berger
My point is, if you want to achieve anything in life, it is not enough to merely wish for it. You must develop that kind of 4:30 AM discipline that distinguishes you from others.
Armstrong Williams
There is a kind of elevation which does not depend on fortune; it is a certain air which distinguishes us, and seems to destine us for great things; it is a price which we imperceptibly set upon ourselves.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld