We must never throw away a bushel of truth because it happens to contain a few grains of chaff. Dean Stanley
We must never throw away a bushel of truth because it happens to contain a few grains of chaff.
What this loss means will be appreciated from the statement that one bushel of wheat contains sufficient energy to support the average working man for 15 days. David F. Houston
What this loss means will be appreciated from the statement that one bushel of wheat contains sufficient energy to support the average working man for 15 days.
In addition to contributing to erosion, pollution, food poisoning, and the dead zone, corn requires huge amounts of fossil fuel - it takes a half gallon of fossil fuel to produce a bushel of corn. Michael Pollan
In addition to contributing to erosion, pollution, food poisoning, and the dead zone, corn requires huge amounts of fossil fuel - it takes a half gallon of fossil fuel to produce a bushel of corn.