Assassination Quotes
I was never named in the early years as having anything to do with the assassination of Malcolm.
Louis Farrakhan
Consider well this fact: As long as the German people does not arise and use force directed by its own will, the assassination of the people will continue.
Karl Liebknecht
Our findings with reference to organized crime was that organized crime as an entity didn't participate in the assassination of the president. However, we were unable to preclude the possibility of individual members of organized crime having participated.
Louis Stokes
Firstly, we have personnel records of persons we hired, persons we fired, reasons we fired them and so forth. These records have nothing to do with the assassination of the president and, therefore, ought to remain in the files.
Louis Stokes
The subject matter is very tricky. It's about the Munich massacre and what Mossad did afterwards with the assassination squads. I think it's a turning point in history, especially for the Palestinians.
Daniel Craig
It would certainly be interesting to know what the CIA knew about Oswald six weeks before the assassination, but the contents of this particular message never reached the Warren Commission and remain a complete mystery.
Jim Garrison
People say you favor assassination, what do you think war is? Except that it's assassination on a much larger scale, a much more horrific scale.
John Bolton
In Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Canada has at last produced a political leader worthy of assassination.
Irving Layton
Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians.
Charles Krauthammer
Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.
Adolf Hitler
The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment.
Robert M. Hutchins
Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, has there ever been a hint, not even a whisper, that a Black person was involved in the assassination of the president. But that's the kind of thing you have in this movie.
Louis Stokes
We pledge to fight the dark forces high in the counsels of the Republican Party which have made political capital out of the techniques of character assassination by innuendo.
Emanuel Celler
In all, we investigated, I think, close to 50 rumors about offers to kill Dr. King around the country. But we found no evidence to support rumors of FBI involvement in the assassination.
Louis Stokes
Jackie Kennedy was magnificent in the days and weeks immediately following her husband's assassination. She was especially wonderful to me.
Pierre Salinger
Those who want the Government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination.
Harry S. Truman
To those who don't want the truth about Kennedy's assassination to become known, the very repetition of a charge lends it a certain credibility, since people have a tendency to believe that where there's smoke, there's fire.
Jim Garrison
To people who remember JFK's assassination, JFK Jr. will probably always be that boy saluting his father's coffin.
Michael Beschloss
A skillful playwright might have a good time with the story of the assassination of President William McKinley, and especially with the three most flamboyant political figures involved: Mark Hanna, Theodore Roosevelt, and Emma Goldman.
Russell Baker
We can't answer King's assassination with violence. That would be the worst tribute we could pay him.
Sammy Davis, Jr.
It must be remembered that the Bush White House has a separate talent for character assassination that must not be confused with a talent for governance.
Richard Dreyfuss
The American Dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer supplies the world with its images, its dreams, its fantasies. No more. It's over. It supplies the world with its nightmares now: the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, Vietnam.
J. G. Ballard