Any Quotes
- Page 38Our votes must go together with our guns. After all, any vote we shall have, shall have been the product of the gun. The gun which produces the vote should remain its security officer - its guarantor. The people's votes and the people's guns are always inseparable twins.
Robert Mugabe
In my opinion eight years as president is enough and sometimes too much for any man to serve in that capacity.
Harry S. Truman
The darkest hour in any man's life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it.
Horace Greeley
I never saw, heard, nor read, that the clergy were beloved in any nation where Christianity was the religion of the country. Nothing can render them popular, but some degree of persecution.
Jonathan Swift
Indubitably, magic is one of the subtlest and most difficult of the sciences and arts. There is more opportunity for errors of comprehension, judgment and practice than in any other branch of physics.
Aleister Crowley
I like any reaction I can get with my music. Just anything to get people to think. I mean if you can get a whole room full of drunk, stoned people to actually wake up and think, you're doing something.
Jim Morrison
I think each role takes a little from you and circles around you for the rest of your life. I don't think you ever abandon any of them.
Nicole Kidman
The whole order of things is as outrageous as any miracle which could presume to violate it.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.
Maya Angelou
I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don't have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.
Hedy Lamarr
The virtues, like the Muses, are always seen in groups. A good principle was never found solitary in any breast.
Be able to meet any deadline, even if your work is done less well than it would be if you had all the time you would have preferred.
Marilyn vos Savant
The Second Amendment is a constitutional right. I didn't make it up, the Republican Party didn't make it up. It's in the Constitution. I think it's just as important as any of the other rights in our constitution.
Marco Rubio
I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
I feel like an outsider, and I always will feel like one. I've always felt that I wasn't a member of any particular group.
Anne Rice
The journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step. So we must never neglect any work of peace within our reach, however small.
Adlai E. Stevenson
Action, reaction, motivation, emotion, all have to come from the characters. Writing a love scene requires the same elements from the writer as any other.
Nora Roberts
Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.
George Bernard Shaw
Who, other than a crazy person, does anything besides hang up on a robo-call? Any call, any person, anywhere, under any circumstances.
P. J. O'Rourke
It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.
James A. Baldwin
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.
Dr. Seuss