If it's right and true, it's listened to and accommodated. David Ogden Stiers
If it's right and true, it's listened to and accommodated.
I accommodated practically all of the liberation movements, including those of Latin America. Ahmed Ben Bella
I accommodated practically all of the liberation movements, including those of Latin America.
What, other than injustice, could be the reason that the displaced citizens of New Orleans cannot be accommodated by the richest nation in the world? Wynton Marsalis
What, other than injustice, could be the reason that the displaced citizens of New Orleans cannot be accommodated by the richest nation in the world?
Atheists in our midst are proof that all consciences can be accommodated here, even those that have no ground for holding that conscience is sacred, inalienable, and prior to civil society. Michael Novak
Atheists in our midst are proof that all consciences can be accommodated here, even those that have no ground for holding that conscience is sacred, inalienable, and prior to civil society.