Quotes By Tony Campolo
I don't doubt that God can bring good out of tragedies, but the Bible is clear that God is not the author of evil!
Tony Campolo
Getting the government to put money into social programs run by religious institutions is a practice that started during the Clinton years, when Bill Clinton advocated the AmeriCorps program.
Tony Campolo
When you were born, you cried and everybody else was happy. The only question that matters is this - when you die, will you be happy when everybody else is crying?
Tony Campolo
Of the 22 industrialized nations of the world, we're dead last in per capita giving to poor people.
Tony Campolo
Lies and distortions can be spread, via the Internet, in an inexpensive way, and the effects are astounding.
Tony Campolo
From the beginning, there have been some religious leaders who greeted the funding of faith-based social services by government with ambivalence.
Tony Campolo
I am relatively sure, from conversations that I had with former president Bill Clinton, that George Bush seldom called upon him for advice.
Tony Campolo
Sigmund Freud was the apostle of disbelief. He was the one who made psychoanalysis a part of our culture, and in so doing he kicked out a flying buttress that had been essential for holding up our cathedral of faith.
Tony Campolo
Relegating women to second-class citizenship was abolished when Jesus died on the cross.
Tony Campolo
The reason why I buy into the Democratic Party more than the Republican Party is because there are over 2,000 verses of Scripture that deal with responding to the needs of the poor.
Tony Campolo
Who's to say that there is any more support for Freud's psychoanalytic concept of the superego than there is for that old time religion that asserted that there is a God who ordains what is right and wrong, and that His righteousness endures for all generations?
Tony Campolo
That's what they do in Europe. You go down to the city hall and you become legally connected. You have a civil union there. Then, if you're religious, you go down to the church, and the church blesses the union. That gets the problem solved.
Tony Campolo
Like most Christians, I believe the Genesis account of creation is a description of six different stages of creation, each of which may have taken eons of time.
Tony Campolo
Although I believe that scripture is divinely inspired and infallible, I have a hard time going along with the belief that the whole creation process occurred in six twenty-four hour days.
Tony Campolo
But I think it's up to a local congregation to determine whether or not a marriage should be blessed of God. And it shouldn't be up to the government.
Tony Campolo
It has been said that people never do evil with more enthusiasm than when they do it in the name of God.
Tony Campolo
Evangelical Christians, who once were a ridiculed irrelevant sectarian movement, have, over just three decades, become a powerful voting bloc that can no longer be ignored.
Tony Campolo
I contend the state ought to do its thing and provide legal rights for all couples who want to be joined together for life. The church should bless unions that it sees fit to bless, and they should be called marriages.
Tony Campolo
I, for one, am quite willing to join the 'forgive, forget and move on' crowd, but it does make me wonder if Evangelicals are going to sound believable when they say that they tend to vote Republican because of their religious commitments to the family.
Tony Campolo
I think it goes back to the fact that the evangelical community often does not have a biblical vision of God.
Tony Campolo
Young Evangelicals, especially, are breaking ranks with older Evangelicals (over 40) and are more and more leaning towards voting Democratic.
Tony Campolo
I am looking for suggestions on what we can do about extremists within our own society. They cannot be ignored.
Tony Campolo
And we've got to ask ourselves some very serious questions as to whether or not certain religious leaders, in terms of raising money - I hate to bring this up - are pushing hot buttons.
Tony Campolo
The two hot issues are the gay issue and the abortion issue. These are the two defining issues in the evangelical community these days. I'm sure that these hot buttons will be pushed, time and time again.
Tony Campolo
President Bush once said that marriage is a sacred institution and should be reserved for the union of one man and one woman. If this is the case - and most Americans would agree with him on this - then I have to ask: Why is the government at all involved in marrying people?
Tony Campolo
In religious circles, depression is often deemed to be a spiritual condition that can be cured with prayer.
Tony Campolo
I contend that Bush would be a lot more moderate if there weren't some fundamentalists breathing down his neck every time he wants to establish the state of Israel, every time he wants to do justice for the Palestinian people.
Tony Campolo