Quotes By Shelley Duvall
I felt little awkward about taking one boyfriend to see a film starring another boyfriend.
Shelley Duvall
Making it big in this world is such a rip-off, you gotta keep your head together or it can be totally without meaning.
Shelley Duvall
Pigs are not that dirty. And they're smart, strange little creatures. They just need love.
Shelley Duvall
Take events in your life seriously, take work seriously, but don't take yourself seriously, or you'll become affected, pompous and boring.
Shelley Duvall
Somewhere along the line, Bob said I'd better begin taking this business seriously, because, whether I liked it or not, I had a career.
Shelley Duvall
I don't know if I was a desirable person, not just physically but emotionally and mentally and intellectually. I still have a long way go and a lot to learn, but I'm on my way, I don't think I'm terribly attractive, but I'm comfortable with my looks.
Shelley Duvall
When I'd finished, everybody said they wanted me for this movie. At first I thought they meant a nudie flick since an awful lot of nudies are made in Houston.
Shelley Duvall
Two months later at a party, Bernard pulled me into a closet and proposed. I said yes.
Shelley Duvall
I was traveling in Europe with Paul and suddenly realized my passport still said I was Mrs. Sampson.
Shelley Duvall
But most of what I've learned about acting - and a lot of what I've learned about life in the past seven years - was taught to me by Robert Altman.
Shelley Duvall
For a while we lived in a tent we'd pitched inside his parents' house and we slept on pillows.
Shelley Duvall
Bernard and I intend doing a lot with our lives and that includes actively helping other people. But how can we tell you our plans when we haven't finished making them yet?
Shelley Duvall
And of course, now that Bernard and I have found each other forever, we're determined to create our own little world in order to survive the one we're in.
Shelley Duvall
There's nothing that can beat the feeling of doing a movie or a TV show that makes everyone feel good.
Shelley Duvall
Anyway, I went out and bought thousands of dollars worth of mature clothes so I'd look like a person to be taken seriously, instead of a pretty little twit.
Shelley Duvall
You think he's going to like you better, but then one day you look in the mirror and realize you've changed yourself - physically and emotionally - into a woman who's totally different from the one he was attracted to the first place.
Shelley Duvall
In school the kids thought I was freaky because I made straight A's and daydreamed a lot.
Shelley Duvall