Quotes By Ruth St. Denis
I believe that my whole creative life stemmed from this magic hour under the stars on that hilltop.
Ruth St. Denis
You and I are but specks of that rhythmic urge which is Brahma, which is Allah, which is God.
Ruth St. Denis
I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it too deep to find for words.
Ruth St. Denis
As we rise higher in the understanding of ourselves, the national and racial dissonances will be forgotten in the universal rhythms of Truth and Love.
Ruth St. Denis
We should realize in a vivid and revolutionary sense that we are not in our bodies but our bodies are in us.
Ruth St. Denis
The real message of the Dance opens up the vistas of life to all who have the urge to express beauty with no other instrument than their own bodies, with no apparatus and no dependence on anything other than space.
Ruth St. Denis
Remembering that man is indeed the microcosm, the universe in miniature, the Divine Dance of the future should be able to convey with its slightest gestures some significance of the universe.
Ruth St. Denis
We have the capacity to receive messages from the stars and the songs of the night winds.
Ruth St. Denis
We can scale the heights of mountains and see the world rayed out before us, but we fail to recognize that which is before us.
Ruth St. Denis