He sliced the ball when he had it on a plate. Ron Atkinson
He sliced the ball when he had it on a plate.
I'm afraid they've left their legs at home. Ron Atkinson
I'm afraid they've left their legs at home.
He must be lightning slow. Ron Atkinson
He must be lightning slow.
I think that was a moment of cool panic there. Ron Atkinson
I think that was a moment of cool panic there.
I've had this sneaking feeling throughout the game that it's there to be won. Ron Atkinson
I've had this sneaking feeling throughout the game that it's there to be won.
Zero-zero is a big score. Ron Atkinson
Zero-zero is a big score.
Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw. Ron Atkinson
Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw.