Quotes By Robert Herrick
It takes great wit and interest and energy to be happy. The pursuit of happiness is a great activity. One must be open and alive. It is the greatest feat man has to accomplish.
Robert Herrick
Each must in virtue strive for to excel; That man lives twice that lives the first life well.
Robert Herrick
Know when to speak - for many times it brings danger, to give the best advice to kings.
Robert Herrick
Conquer we shall, but, we must first contend! It's not the fight that crowns us, but the end.
Robert Herrick
The body is the soul's poor house or home, whose ribs the laths are and whose flesh the loam.
Robert Herrick
Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt. Nothing's so hard but search will find it out.
Robert Herrick
Thus times do shift, each thing his turn does hold; New things succeed, as former things grow old.
Robert Herrick
He loves his bonds who, when the first are broke, Submits his neck into a second yoke.
Robert Herrick