Quotes By Pearl S. Buck
We send missionaries to China so the Chinese can get to heaven, but we won't let them into our country.
Pearl S. Buck
When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail.
Pearl S. Buck
In a mood of faith and hope my work goes on. A ream of fresh paper lies on my desk waiting for the next book. I am a writer and I take up my pen to write.
Pearl S. Buck
Let woman out of the home, let man into it, should be the aim of education. The home needs man, and the world outside needs woman.
Pearl S. Buck
You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea.
Pearl S. Buck
Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that is where I renew my springs that never dry up.
Pearl S. Buck
None who have always been free can understand the terrible fascinating power of the hope of freedom to those who are not free.
Pearl S. Buck
A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.
Pearl S. Buck
Like Confucius of old, I am so absorbed in the wonder of the earth and the life upon it, that I cannot think of heaven and the angels.
Pearl S. Buck
A man is educated and turned out to work. But a woman is educated and turned out to grass.
Pearl S. Buck
Nothing in life is as good as the marriage of true minds between man and woman. As good? It is life itself.
Pearl S. Buck
Race prejudice is not only a shadow over the colored it is a shadow over all of us, and the shadow is darkest over those who feel it least and allow its evil effects to go on.
Pearl S. Buck
We should so provide for old age that it may have no urgent wants of this world to absorb it from meditation on the next. It is awful to see the lean hands of dotage making a coffer of the grave.
Pearl S. Buck
To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind.
Pearl S. Buck
It may be that religion is dead, and if it is, we had better know it and set ourselves to try to discover other sources of moral strength before it is too late.
Pearl S. Buck
Every great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied.
Pearl S. Buck