Quotes By Patrick Warburton
I thought he was an interesting central figure, central character, one who is definitely not your typical central character figure in a film, who's easy to like. He's not easy to like. It forces you to involve yourself with what's going on.
Patrick Warburton
My only job as an actor is to try and understand the character and, to the best of my ability, bring this character to life.
Patrick Warburton
The greatest risk is really to take no risk at all. You've got to go out there, jump off the cliff, and take chances.
Patrick Warburton
I'll work with Jerry Seinfeld any day of the week. Get a nice little paycheck there, but you do it for free. It's just good to be associated with that man. He's a great guy.
Patrick Warburton
I have a family to support. And I'm not always going to be doing exactly what I want to do.
Patrick Warburton
I've actually become much, much dumber through being married and having these children. I find that I'm not half as sharp that I once was. I can't even help them with their 4th and 5th grade vocabulary and math work at this point.
Patrick Warburton
I do believe that we have the opportunity to continue - I repeat myself over and over again with this - to redefine and reinvent ourselves and as long as we do that, then I think we've got some pretty good odds in our favor, because we're not always presenting the same thing.
Patrick Warburton
So, deadpan I think just means not acknowledging for one second that you think that this is funny and clever.
Patrick Warburton
You don't make a fortune doing cartoons. It's a lot of fun, it keeps you busy, and it's better than a kick in the pants, absolutely. But doing voiceover work doesn't make you rich. It just doesn't.
Patrick Warburton
I believe I'm doing the right thing in trying to step away from that and to take chances and work on little independent films and do stuff like that wild dance scene.
Patrick Warburton
Tick is a cartoon character, I don't know if you're familiar with him. This is the third step in his evolution. Comic book to cartoon to, now, live-action.
Patrick Warburton
All I try to do is as earnestly and as acutely as I can, conceive a character and try to portray this character just honestly. If the humor is within the absurdity and the awfulness of situations, then let it be seen that way.
Patrick Warburton
There's not a fortune to be made doing voiceover work unless you're one of the main voices on The Simpsons. See, there's The Simpsons, and then there's everything else.
Patrick Warburton