Though pleas'd to see the dolphins play, I mind my compass and my way. Matthew Green
Though pleas'd to see the dolphins play, I mind my compass and my way.
Nor bigots who but one way see, through blinkers of authority. Matthew Green
Nor bigots who but one way see, through blinkers of authority.
Thus, I steer my bark, and sail On even keel, with gentle gale. Matthew Green
Thus, I steer my bark, and sail On even keel, with gentle gale.
They politics like ours profess, the greater prey upon the less. Matthew Green
They politics like ours profess, the greater prey upon the less.
Talk of unusual swell of waist In maid of honor loosely laced. Matthew Green
Talk of unusual swell of waist In maid of honor loosely laced.
Experience join'd with common sense, To mortals is a providence. Matthew Green
Experience join'd with common sense, To mortals is a providence.
Fling but a stone, the giant dies. Matthew Green
Fling but a stone, the giant dies.
Avarice, the sphincter of the heart. Matthew Green
Avarice, the sphincter of the heart.