I went out to visit Dorsey Burnette, after I graduated high school. Jimmy Griffin
I went out to visit Dorsey Burnette, after I graduated high school.
Steve produced Girls Grow Up Faster Than Boys and one more. Then he and I wrote a few songs together and became good friends. He was a talented producer. Jimmy Griffin
Steve produced Girls Grow Up Faster Than Boys and one more. Then he and I wrote a few songs together and became good friends. He was a talented producer.
I produced a song for Bobby Vee called Get The Message. Jimmy Griffin
I produced a song for Bobby Vee called Get The Message.
Dorsey played the upright bass and steel guitar, as well as acoustic guitar. Johnny played acoustic guitar and together they were fabulous songwriters and singers. Jimmy Griffin
Dorsey played the upright bass and steel guitar, as well as acoustic guitar. Johnny played acoustic guitar and together they were fabulous songwriters and singers.