If you don't make mistakes, you aren't really trying. Coleman Hawkins
If you don't make mistakes, you aren't really trying.
I honestly can't characterize my style in words. It seems that whatever comes to me naturally, I play. Coleman Hawkins
I honestly can't characterize my style in words. It seems that whatever comes to me naturally, I play.
I made the tenor sax - there's nobody plays like me and I don't play like anybody else. Coleman Hawkins
I made the tenor sax - there's nobody plays like me and I don't play like anybody else.
Music should always be an adventure. Coleman Hawkins
Music should always be an adventure.
Some people say there was no jazz tenor before me. All I know is I just had a way of playing and I didn't think in terms of any other instrument but the tenor. Coleman Hawkins
Some people say there was no jazz tenor before me. All I know is I just had a way of playing and I didn't think in terms of any other instrument but the tenor.