Quotes By Christopher Knight
Being a Brady comes with it's pleasures and its baggage. I'm not one given to a lack of privacy and invasion.
Christopher Knight
The Brady Bunch is a live action modern fairytale of family. In this context it's less odd that it's lasted for over thirty years; and why it may last in some respects as long as Mother Goose!
Christopher Knight
I don't even have an agent or manager, but rather have a number of associates who I turn to when needed; or conversely when they hear of someone looking for me they'll contact me.
Christopher Knight
I'm not done with acting but do find my hands full with my current responsibilities. Soon, sometime soon.
Christopher Knight
One of the hardest aspects of this protracted public persona is not knowing others as well as they feel they know me. It's a rather clumsy feeling actually; to not know someone who acts as though you're old friends.
Christopher Knight
It's well known by now that I had a special need to get Maureen's goat when ever the opportunity presented itself. I was a boy and she was the enemy... a girl.
Christopher Knight
It may part of a one way evolution... or it may be we are currently on the downside of an innocence cycle where one day, with an up cycle, sweet will be entertaining again.
Christopher Knight
It's nothing to be ashamed of and that there are even beneficial traits associated with the condition. Most importantly, acknowledge yourself for who you are and if you're struggling with anything resembling ADD get professionally diagnosed.
Christopher Knight
To some it may be a thrill to be known, to me it's a thrill to start a friendship even up.
Christopher Knight