Quotes By Byron Dorgan
When businesses face tough times, one of the first items they cut is overhead expenses. The government should do the same.
Byron Dorgan
If the Administration does nothing, high gasoline prices will continue to increasingly burden our economy, taking millions of dollars out of the hands of families and putting it straight into the pockets of OPEC.
Byron Dorgan
Nowhere in this country should we have laws that permit drinking and driving or drinking in vehicles that are on American highways. This is not rocket science. We know how to prevent this, and 36 states do.
Byron Dorgan
The Bush Administration and the Congress have to stop ignoring this crisis in international trade. The longer we ignore it, the more American jobs will move overseas. It's just that simple.
Byron Dorgan
All of us aspire to give our children something more, leave a country to our children that is a better one, a stronger one, with better jobs and growth and opportunity.
Byron Dorgan
The U.S. Constitution is the basic framework for the greatest democracy on Earth. Some of my colleagues find it easy to amend it. I don't.
Byron Dorgan
I am proud to be in the Senate. I have always been proud to be a part of our political system. It is a remarkable privilege to participate in this system of ours.
Byron Dorgan
I came into American politics and into this political system proud of politics and the way we make decisions.
Byron Dorgan
This country is about, in my judgment, aggressive, open debate. There is an old saying: When everyone is thinking the same thing, no one is thinking very much.
Byron Dorgan
I am not someone who believes we should build a fence around our country but I do believe there ought to be some fairness with respect to the rules of this globalization.
Byron Dorgan