Quotes By Bob Dylan
Some people seem to fade away but then when they are truly gone, it's like they didn't fade away at all.
Bob Dylan
Here's the thing with me and the religious thing. This is the flat-out truth: I find the religiosity and philosophy in the music. I don't find it anywhere else.
Bob Dylan
I like America, just as everybody else does. I love America, I gotta say that. But America will be judged.
Bob Dylan
I stopped smoking. When I stopped smoking, my voice changed... so drastically, I couldn't believe it myself.
Bob Dylan
I don't think the human mind can comprehend the past and the future. They are both just illusions that can manipulate you into thinking theres some kind of change.
Bob Dylan
I paint mostly from real life. It has to start with that. Real people, real street scenes, behind the curtain scenes, live models, paintings, photographs, staged setups, architecture, grids, graphic design. Whatever it takes to make it work.
Bob Dylan
Look, when I started out, mainstream culture was Sinatra, Perry Como, Andy Williams, Sound of Music. There was no fitting into it then and of course, there's no fitting into it now.
Bob Dylan
All this talk about equality. The only thing people really have in common is that they are all going to die.
Bob Dylan
You're going to die. You're going to be dead. It could be 20 years, it could be tomorrow, anytime. So am I. I mean, we're just going to be gone. The world's going to go on without us. All right now. You do your job in the face of that, and how seriously you take yourself you decide for yourself.
Bob Dylan