Quotes By Billy Wilder
The Austrians are brilliant people. They made the world believe that Hitler was a German and Beethoven an Austrian.
Billy Wilder
Now, what is it which makes a scene interesting? If you see a man coming through a doorway, it means nothing. If you see him coming through a window - that is at once interesting.
Billy Wilder
Don't be too clever for an audience. Make it obvious. Make the subtleties obvious also.
Billy Wilder
France is a place where the money falls apart in your hands but you can't tear the toilet paper.
Billy Wilder
An actor entering through the door, you've got nothing. But if he enters through the window, you've got a situation.
Billy Wilder
If there's anything I hate more than not being taken seriously, it's being taken too seriously.
Billy Wilder
An audience is never wrong. An individual member of it may be an imbecile, but a thousand imbeciles together in the dark - that is critical genius.
Billy Wilder
My Aunt Minnie would always be punctual and never hold up production, but who would pay to see my Aunt Minnie?
Billy Wilder
Hollywood didn't kill Marilyn Monroe, it's the Marilyn Monroes who are killing Hollywood.
Billy Wilder
They've tried to manufacture other Marilyn Monroes and they will undoubtedly keep trying. But it won't work. She was an original.
Billy Wilder
I have ten commandments. The first nine are, thou shalt not bore. The tenth is, thou shalt have right of final cut.
Billy Wilder