Quotes By Bette Midler
I sometimes think I should go back to school to learn French and music, but who would have me?
Bette Midler
I wouldn't say I invented tacky, but I definitely brought it to its present high popularity.
Bette Midler
I always try to balance the light with the heavy - a few tears of human spirit in with the sequins and the fringes.
Bette Midler
I celebrate everyone's religious holidays. if it's good enough for the righteous, it's good enough for the self-righteous, I always say.
Bette Midler
I hope to keep entertaining in some way until I can't physically entertain any longer. It's what I was born to do, and I love this profession.
Bette Midler
I made a pact with myself a long time ago: Never watch anything stupider than you. It's helped me a lot.
Bette Midler
Writing a book is not as tough as it is to haul thirty-five people around the country and sweat like a horse five nights a week.
Bette Midler