Quotes By Augustine Of Hippo
Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances, are brought into closer connection with you.
Augustine of Hippo
If I am given a formula, and I am ignorant of its meaning, it cannot teach me anything, but if I already know it what does the formula teach me?
Augustine of Hippo
Blessedness consists in the accomplishment of our desires, and in our having only regular desires.
Augustine of Hippo
Bad company is like a nail driven into a post, which, after the first and second blow, may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being once driven up to the head, the pincers cannot take hold to draw it out, but which can only be done by the destruction of the wood.
Augustine of Hippo
We make a ladder for ourselves of our vices, if we trample those same vices underfoot.
Augustine of Hippo
The honors of this world, what are they but puff, and emptiness, and peril of falling?
Augustine of Hippo
The soul, which is spirit, can not dwell in dust; it is carried along to dwell in the blood.
Augustine of Hippo