Quotes By Vivienne Westwood
What changed our lives forever was when Malcolm had the idea to sell rock 'n roll records to trendy customers.
Vivienne Westwood
My biggest criticism is how can people be so easily satisfied? Even people with talent.
Vivienne Westwood
I think it is a good thing to buy less and choose well - it's good for the environment and to be fair it's also good for me because my clothes are quite expensive.
Vivienne Westwood
The age in which we live, this non-stop distraction, is making it more impossible for the young generation to ever have the curiosity or discipline... because you need to be alone to find out anything.
Vivienne Westwood
Don't just eat McDonald's, get something a bit better. Eat a salad. That's what fashion is. It's something that is a bit better.
Vivienne Westwood
I didn't want to be a fashion designer, and for a good half of my career I didn't like it. I always wanted to do other things.
Vivienne Westwood
Prince Charles is definitely my hero; he uses his position to do only good in this world.
Vivienne Westwood
More people should read books. It's the most concentrated experience you can have.
Vivienne Westwood
I'd like to be the last person alive in the world! Yes, I'd like to know what happens.
Vivienne Westwood
I am attracted to people who make this effort in knowing what suits them - they are individual and stylish.
Vivienne Westwood
Britishness is just a way of putting things together and a certain don't care attitude about clothes. You don't care, you just do it and it looks great.
Vivienne Westwood
If you see everything from the point of view of women being victims in some way, you don't see the wood for the trees. It is better to be a person than a woman.
Vivienne Westwood
I don't have space to enter into the examples or the history of this, so I'm left with having to make the bold statement that culture is extinct.
Vivienne Westwood
If you saw Queen Elizabeth it would be amazing, she came from another planet. She was so attractive in what she was wearing.
Vivienne Westwood
Our economic system, run for profit and waste and based primarily on the extractive industries, is the cause of climate change. We have wasted the earth's treasure and we can no longer exploit it cheaply.
Vivienne Westwood
If you hear Anarchy in the UK today your hair stands on end. It gives you the shivers.
Vivienne Westwood