Quotes By Ted Nugent
Look what venison does to a goofy guitar player from Detroit? I'm going to be 54 this year and if I had any more energy I'd scare you.
Ted Nugent
There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in this country, and not one of them will have an accident today. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children. Period.
Ted Nugent
If you want to save a species, simply decide to eat it. Then it will be managed - like chickens, like turkeys, like deer, like Canadian geese.
Ted Nugent
War is good when good survives and evil is crushed. If you don't crush evil then evil will get you.
Ted Nugent
Mankind: A quality of life upgrade is available to each and every one of you. It should give you a quality of life upgrade, which means no drugs, no alcohol, no fast food - unless, of course, it's a mallard.
Ted Nugent
I clearly understood the concept of wise use before I ever heard the actual words, for my father wouldn't allow us to waste anything.
Ted Nugent