Quotes By Richard Bach
Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully.
Richard Bach
You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.
Richard Bach
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.
Richard Bach
Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.
Richard Bach
Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?
Richard Bach
Live never to be ashamed if anything you say or do is published around the world, even if what is said is not true.
Richard Bach
There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they're necessary to reach the places we've chosen to go.
Richard Bach
The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change.
Richard Bach
Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the mark of a fake messiah.
Richard Bach
In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice.
Richard Bach
Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.
Richard Bach