Quotes By Ralph Nader
Let's not just look at it as taking votes away from Gore. Our support comes from a lot of people.
Ralph Nader
Addiction should never be treated as a crime. It has to be treated as a health problem. We do not send alcoholics to jail in this country. Over 500,000 people are in our jails who are nonviolent drug users.
Ralph Nader
The 'democracy gap' in our politics and elections spells a deep sense of powerlessness by people who drop out, do not vote, or listlessly vote for the 'least worst' every four years and then wonder why after every cycle the 'least worst' gets worse.
Ralph Nader
I don't think meals have any business being deductible. I'm for separation of calories and corporations.
Ralph Nader
The corporate lobby in Washington is basically designed to stifle all legislative activity on behalf of consumers.
Ralph Nader
This (George W. Bush's) administration is not sympathetic to corporations, it is indentured to corporations.
Ralph Nader
The nation is faced with one of the most corporate-orientated anti-consumer Congresses in our history.
Ralph Nader
President Reagan was elected on the promise of getting government off the backs of the people and now he demands that government wrap itself around the waists of the people.
Ralph Nader
Once you don't vote your ideals... that has serious undermining affects. It erodes the moral basis of our democracy.
Ralph Nader
The liberal intelligentsia has allowed its party to become a captive of corporate interests.
Ralph Nader
John D. Rockefeller wanted to dominate oil, but Microsoft wants it all, you name it: cable, media, banking, car dealerships.
Ralph Nader
It is fascinating to watch legislators turn away from their usual corporate grips when they hear the growing thunder of the people.
Ralph Nader
This country has far more problems than it deserves and far more solutions than it applies.
Ralph Nader
Up against the corporate government, voters find themselves asked to choose between look-alike candidates from two parties vying to see who takes the marching orders from their campaign paymasters and their future employers. The money of vested interest nullifies genuine voter choice and trust.
Ralph Nader