Quotes By King Abdullah II
I have the responsibility of over four million people, and I am in a position to do good, to be able to bring about a new life for my people, and I will continue to move in that direction. It's a burden, but it needs to be done, and you have to have the courage and wisdom to see it through.
King Abdullah II
Many will view the compromises that will be made during your negotiations as painful concessions. But why not view them as peace offerings, ones that will provide in return the priceless gifts of hope, security and freedom for our children and our children's?
King Abdullah II
For me, I am left leaning when it comes to health and education, on the right when it comes to defense. So I don't know where I come on the political spectrum. And I think this the challenge that a lot of Jordanians have to deal with.
King Abdullah II
Whenever you have a crisis, you're always going to have the extremists taking advantage of the situation.
King Abdullah II
I think the success of democracy is not really police security; it's the presence of a broad middle class. The stronger the middle class of a people is, the less you have to worry about one group coming in and exploiting the democratic process for its own ends.
King Abdullah II
I hope that none of the countries in the Middle East are planning anything but the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.
King Abdullah II
The more I support with my economic plans the building of a middle class, the quicker they're going to turn around and say, 'Hey, we want a bigger say in things.' So, I knew what I was getting into right at the beginning. It's the right thing to do.
King Abdullah II
Prime Minister Sharon, Prime Minister Abbas, I urge you today to end the designs of those who seek destruction, annihilation and occupation, and I urge you to have the will and the courage to begin to realize our dreams of peace, prosperity and coexistence.
King Abdullah II
The incentive that you give to your youth is going to be the make-or-break future of the country.
King Abdullah II
We're never going to be able to get rid of terrorism, because there is always going to be evil in the world.
King Abdullah II
Is Israel going to continue to be 'Fortress Israel'? Or, as we all hope, become accepted into the neighborhood, which I believe is the only way we can move forward in harmony.
King Abdullah II
I'm just very wary that once you start military operations in any country, it's very difficult to predict what the outcome is.
King Abdullah II
No matter what's happening in the Middle East - the Arab Spring, et cetera, the economic challenges, high rates of unemployment - the emotional, critical issue is always the Israeli-Palestinian one.
King Abdullah II
Mr. President, prime ministers, let us have ambitions: ambitions to move beyond the violence and occupation, to the day when two states, Palestine and Israel, can live together side by side in peace and security.
King Abdullah II
The Middle East has the highest unemployment percentage of any region in the world we have the largest youth cohort of history coming into the market place that frustration does translate into the political sphere when people are hungry and without jobs.
King Abdullah II
Our response has been, 'Well, let's then make an effort to get the Israelis and the Palestinians to sit around the table.' That hasn't happened. So we only have ourselves to blame for this crisis.
King Abdullah II
The Arab Spring I think we will look back whether it's two years, five years, ten or fifteen. And say it's a good thing.
King Abdullah II
I think it's almost impossible for any expert to predict for the rapid changes we see in the Middle East. They are rapid and they will continue for quite a while.
King Abdullah II
The security and the future of Jordan is hand-in-hand with the future of the Palestinians and the Israelis.
King Abdullah II
Blowing up buses will not induce the Israelis to move forward, and neither will the killing of Palestinians or the demolition of their homes and their future. All this needs to stop. And we pledge that Jordan will do its utmost to help achieve it.
King Abdullah II