Quotes By John Boehner
When I met Paul Ryan 22 years ago, he was a student at Miami of Ohio volunteering on my campaign.
John Boehner
Mr. President, the buzz saw that your healthcare bill ran into wasn't lobbyists and special interests it was tens of millions of American's who were saying, 'Stop!'
John Boehner
No, let's make sure that people understand that this is a very important war that is helping to protect us here at home. And that we have no choice but to win it. As difficult as it is.
John Boehner
They know the importance of their mission and of America's commitment to combating and defeating terrorism abroad, and they know that they are making a real difference in bringing freedom to a part of the world that has known only tyranny.
John Boehner
Studies show that children best flourish when one mom and one dad are there to raise them.
John Boehner
The American people think the government in Washington is too big. That it spends too much. And - and that it's totally out of control. They want something done about it.
John Boehner
Why don't we stop the stimulus spending? There's still about $400 billion or $500 billion of the stimulus plan that has not been spent. Why don't we stop it? It's not working.
John Boehner
The value of the majority lies not in the opportunity to wield great power, but in the chance to use power to do great things.
John Boehner
The United States did not choose to fight Islamic extremists. These terrorists chose to fight our way of life. They chose to challenge our existence.
John Boehner
It's easy to kick somebody when they're down. George W. Bush has dealt with more difficult issues than any president since Franklin Roosevelt. And I've told my colleagues it's time that we go stand up for the president.
John Boehner
And that is why marriage and family law has emphasized the importance of marriage as the foundation of family, addressing the needs of children in the most positive way.
John Boehner
My dad and my uncles owned a bar outside of Cincinnati. I worked there growing up, mopping floors, waiting tables.
John Boehner
Will we fight or will we retreat? That is the question that is posed to us. Some of my friends on the other side of the aisle often refer to Iraq as a distraction.
John Boehner
The American people are screaming at the top of their lungs to Washington, 'Stop! Stop the spending, stop the job-killing policies.' And yet, Democrats in Washington refuse to listen to the American people.
John Boehner
Our freedoms were born in the ideals of the Enlightenment and the musket fires of an historic revolution.
John Boehner
They have called Operation Iraqi Freedom a war of choice that isn't part of the real war on terror. Someone should tell that to al Qaeda.
John Boehner
Listen, I think what's best for the economy and to create jobs is to extend all of the current tax rates - for all Americans. It - it begins to reduce the uncertainty. And for small businesspeople, they can look up and begin to plan.
John Boehner
The aggressive, unprovoked acts of violence against Israel by Hezbollah and Hamas are revealing. It is clear they don't want peace, but rather seek the ultimate destruction of Israel.
John Boehner