I never rode a bull - I'm not that stupid. James Caan
I never rode a bull - I'm not that stupid.
My least favorite phrase in the English language is "I don't care." James Caan
My least favorite phrase in the English language is "I don't care."
People wonder why first-time directors can make a brilliant picture, then suck on the second one. It's because they're a little terrified the first time. So they listen to all the experts around them. James Caan
People wonder why first-time directors can make a brilliant picture, then suck on the second one. It's because they're a little terrified the first time. So they listen to all the experts around them.
I went to a shrink once, but I caught him going to a fortune-teller so I quit. James Caan
I went to a shrink once, but I caught him going to a fortune-teller so I quit.