Quotes By George Foreman
George Foreman. A miracle. A mystery to myself. Who am I? The mirror says back. The George you was always meant to be. Wasn't always like that. Used to look in the mirror and cried a river.
George Foreman
A Jack Russell terrier? My god. He'll burn you up. They never stop. A German shepherd, you can only go so many miles.
George Foreman
All the dogs I have are German shepherds from Germany, and I fly them back to Germany to show them.
George Foreman
I want to keep fighting because it is the only thing that keeps me out of the hamburger joints. If I don't fight, I'll eat this planet.
George Foreman
Everybody wants to be somebody. The thing you have to do is give them confidence they can. You have to give a kid a dream.
George Foreman
You don't know what it is to be heavyweight champ of the world until you become the heavyweight champ of the world.
George Foreman
Sonny Liston stood up to me and actually made me give ground. No one has ever done that to me before or since.
George Foreman
I dread handshakes. I've got some problems with my hands, and everywhere I go, people want to impress me with their grip. To make it worse, now women are coming up with that firm shake.
George Foreman
As a child I was sometimes so hungry that I used to dream that one day I'd get locked in a grocery store.
George Foreman
I was a tiger, a good fighter, in good shape, but I was always nervous before boxing matches.
George Foreman
When I was a kid in Houston, we were so poor we couldn't afford the last 2 letters, so we called ourselves po'.
George Foreman
After you work out, you have your dog with you. There's no better companion. You've got to have a friend. I didn't like opponents who had dogs with them. Because you know they had a little edge. They have a friend.
George Foreman
But boxing was my profession. I had to go back the second time because I was broke and I couldn't just go and get a college degree and earn it. I had too many bills, too many families.
George Foreman
If you can maintain that integrity in whatever you do, you can't go wrong. That's what I tell my kids, anyway.
George Foreman
When I found Jesus Christ, I learned to be a better athlete. I didn't have to go out there and knock them out in the first round. I've learned to be patient, skillful in the ring. At the same time, I wanted to prove to other boxers that you can take off this killer instinct stuff, you can be a great athlete, a great boxer, and love your brother.
George Foreman
The referee is going to be the most important person in the ring tonight besides the fighters.
George Foreman