Quotes By Elisha Cuthbert
I don't like to play characters that are one note, and just the attractive girl in the film.
Elisha Cuthbert
I do believe that when you know better, you do better. You know what was wrong about the last relationship, and hopefully you will do better the next time.
Elisha Cuthbert
The pressure to be pretty? I set, you know, boundaries and goals for myself. I try not to compare myself to anyone else because I will never be anyone else except myself. So I try and stay true to me, and hopefully the right projects will come my way.
Elisha Cuthbert
I don't like anything that's too confining. I'm sort of a control freak, so anything that makes me feel like I'm out of control is a bit uncomfortable. But you know how it is, sometimes it's good to live a little!
Elisha Cuthbert
I'm into eating salads and fish. I've always been a big fish eater. I like fruit. I have friends that you have to force-feed them the good stuff. I'm lucky I actually like it. Brussel sprouts and all that.
Elisha Cuthbert
I think with comedy I get very sort of critical of myself and try and do the best I can and it doesn't come as second nature. I work at those kinds of films. It doesn't mean I can't do them - I've done two now, and I have a great time doing them, but I just find myself a little bit more neurotic.
Elisha Cuthbert
It's amazing that for actors mostly, it's a risk to attach yourself to a film that you don't know whether or not it's going to even be made and if you sign on, in doing so, who else is going to be in the movie with you.
Elisha Cuthbert
I've always been against trying to make a movie like another movie. That's lame. It's already been done, so why do it again?
Elisha Cuthbert
I think wardrobe is a really important part of making a movie and developing the character.
Elisha Cuthbert
You know, I've never been much of a method actor. I feel like, with every project I go in extremely prepared and I like to have a good time.
Elisha Cuthbert
I really know right from wrong and apply that to my life. At home, I was the oldest of three. My role was to be the responsible one.
Elisha Cuthbert
You can make a feature that makes millions but only so many people see it. With a hit TV show, every week you'll have 16 million - 20 million people watching you.
Elisha Cuthbert
I guess there's a vulnerability in seeing a female character trying to get out of something really drastic.
Elisha Cuthbert
You're lucky enough in television to always be at it, to always be doing it. It's like you're constantly that person, always, all the time. It gets to be like clockwork.
Elisha Cuthbert
A lot of people loved to hate my character on 24. I want to be the character people love to love.
Elisha Cuthbert
I don't think anything can prepare you for a crew to come in and actually film you as yourself. It's kind of frightening to think that all of a sudden people are going to know how you are, and how you act on a day-to-day basis.
Elisha Cuthbert
The celebrity body I most admire is Madonna's. She has the most incredible physique - and the woman's in her 50s!
Elisha Cuthbert
I think there's a lot of elements that go into making a really awesome horror film and that's like putting together like a real good group of people that you love to watch them either live or die.
Elisha Cuthbert
I don't ever want to be doing the same sort of thing, I never want to be typecast, because I have way too much to give to be sort of, to always be the hot chick in the movie.
Elisha Cuthbert
It's hard to be scared if you don't feel for a character, because you don't care if they die or live.
Elisha Cuthbert
I'm a regular Canadian girl. I enjoy staying home. In the summer I've got a garden. I'm very much a homebody, a normal, family-oriented girl. But I do have this other incredible side of my life that involves acting and traveling.
Elisha Cuthbert
I think that, back in the day, there used to be a lot of horror films that kind of had a checklist of what went into making the 'perfect horror film', and I think now people are raising the bar in the industry, as far as the types of horror films that are being made.
Elisha Cuthbert