Crying over what's gone won't find the present. Edwin Louis Cole
Crying over what's gone won't find the present.
By use you possess gain; by disuse you decline and lose. Edwin Louis Cole
By use you possess gain; by disuse you decline and lose.
God will finish what He authors, but He is not obligated to finish what He has not authored. Edwin Louis Cole
God will finish what He authors, but He is not obligated to finish what He has not authored.
Attitude determines the altitude of life. Edwin Louis Cole
Attitude determines the altitude of life.
Inconsistencies in men are generally testimony to their immaturity. Edwin Louis Cole
Inconsistencies in men are generally testimony to their immaturity.
Life is lived on levels and arrived at in stages. Edwin Louis Cole
Life is lived on levels and arrived at in stages.
Trust funds can never be a substitute for a fund of trust. Edwin Louis Cole
Trust funds can never be a substitute for a fund of trust.