Quotes By Dennis Prager
The larger the state, the more callous it becomes... the colder its heart. It is also true that the bigger the corporation, the more callous its heart. But unlike the state, corporations have competition and have no police powers.
Dennis Prager
Whatever feminists may say about their only advocating choices, everyone knows the truth: Feminism regards work outside the home as more elevating, honorable, and personally productive than full-time mothering and making a home.
Dennis Prager
To be told that one can be dependent on one's parents until age 26 should strike a young person who wants to grow up as demeaning, not as something to celebrate.
Dennis Prager
One of the great mind destroyers of college education is the belief that if it's very complex, it's very profound.
Dennis Prager
The Muslim world is threatened by religious fanaticism. The Western world is threatened by secular fanaticism.
Dennis Prager
Although images of perfection in people's personal lives can cause unhappiness, images of perfect societies - utopian images - can cause monstrous evil. In fact, forcefully changing society to conform to societal images was the greatest cause of evil in the twentieth century.
Dennis Prager
From their teenage years on, children are considerably more capable of causing parents unhappiness than bringing them happiness. That is one reason parents who rely on their children for happiness make both their children and themselves miserable.
Dennis Prager
Hamas is a terrorist organization dedicated to annihilating the Jewish state. It runs a theocratic totalitarian state in Gaza, with no individual liberty, and no freedom of speech or press.
Dennis Prager
Yet, while producing increasingly selfish people, the mantra of the Left, and therefore of the universities and the media, has been for generations that capitalism and the free market, not the welfare state, produces selfish people.
Dennis Prager
That said, I have come to believe that the more committed one is to leftism, the more likely one is to become meaner.
Dennis Prager
Leftists' meanness toward those with whom they differ has no echo on the normative right.
Dennis Prager
The problem for the Left, however, is that the moment it stops painting the Right as vile, it has to argue the issues.
Dennis Prager
Opponents of capital punishment argue that the state has no right to take a murderer's life. Apparently, one fact that abolitionists forget or overlook is that the state is acting not only on behalf of society, but also on behalf of the murdered person and the murdered person's family.
Dennis Prager
Rather than dividing the world between good and evil, the Left divided the world in terms of economics. Economic classes, not moral values, explained human behavior. Therefore, to cite a common example, poverty, not one's moral value system, or lack of it, caused crime.
Dennis Prager
I have spent a good part of my life showing what an intellectual bubble the Left lives in.
Dennis Prager
The world is a bad place. There are many wonderful people, but on the whole, humanity basically stinks.
Dennis Prager
Conservatives divide the world in terms of good and evil while liberals do it in terms of the rich and poor.
Dennis Prager
Liberals tend to put the onus of your success on society and conservatives on you and your family.
Dennis Prager
The Left is doing to America what it has done to almost everything it has deeply influenced - the arts, the university, religion, culture, minorities, Europe: ruining it.
Dennis Prager
Two of the many areas of conflict between Judeo-Christian values and leftism concern the separation between the holy and the profane and the separation between humans and animals.
Dennis Prager