Quotes By Carl Hiaasen
Informed opponents of Obama's healthcare initiative have expressed dismay at the low level of discourse.
Carl Hiaasen
If you write satire, the guilty pleasure these days is that there's just so much material about. On the other hand, if you have a family it can be depressing.
Carl Hiaasen
When I'm working on a novel of my own, I try to read mostly nonfiction, although sometimes I break down and peek at something else.
Carl Hiaasen
You can do the best research and be making the strongest intellectual argument, but if readers don't get past the third paragraph you've wasted your energy and valuable ink.
Carl Hiaasen
Humor can be an incredible lacerating and effective weapon. And that is the way I use it.
Carl Hiaasen
The one thing a lifetime in the newspaper business teaches you is pace - you spend all your time trying to make sure that the reader's going to finish what you're writing.
Carl Hiaasen
People say sometimes, gosh, that was brave of you to write such-and-such last week. 'Brave?' What do they mean 'brave?' It's right! How could you not write it?
Carl Hiaasen
They have a crystalline sense of right and wrong; it disappears when they walk out the door with their M.B.A.
Carl Hiaasen
When you put on the suits, when you pretend you're honest and you're robbing at a far higher level, these guys deserve to... well, to be in my novels, and I have special fates reserved for them.
Carl Hiaasen
There's so much hate that we direct externally that we forget we have our own psychos. But that's the role of the satirist - you have to examine your own country and say, 'look!'
Carl Hiaasen
I've always enjoyed making people laugh. But in order for me to be funny, I have to get ticked off about something.
Carl Hiaasen
Good satire comes from anger. It comes from a sense of injustice, that there are wrongs in the world that need to be fixed. And what better place to get that well of venom and outrage boiling than a newsroom, because you're on the front lines.
Carl Hiaasen