Quotes By Bob Schieffer
And I came away from that experience, and it was a very difficult experience - I came to understand that you have to practice at being a good father and practice at being a good husband, just as you have to practice at being a good journalist.
Bob Schieffer
But here's the deal: If I were smart, I could figure out curling. If I were even smarter, I could figure out why people would actually watch other people doing it. I have tried. I can't. I can't even figure out the object of the game. Is it like darts? I just don't get it.
Bob Schieffer
Had there been a reporter along with Lieutenant Calley when he massacred those people in Vietnam, I think that probably wouldn't have happened.
Bob Schieffer
If you get asked a really tough question and you give a really good answer, you come off looking really good.
Bob Schieffer
I've had a lot of fun, and when I talk to kids in journalism schools, I say, look, I know what the journalism teachers tell you that this is a great way to perform public service and all that, but I say the main reason, if you decide what you want to do is be a reporter, the main reason you want to do it is because it's just so much fun.
Bob Schieffer
The Iraq war was fought by one-half of one percent of us. And unless we were part of that small group or had a relative who was, we went about our lives as usual most of the time: no draft, no new taxes, no changes. Not so for the small group who fought the war and their families.
Bob Schieffer
And after about two years, I realized that creative writing was not going to help you ace those biological tests. So I switched over to journalism. I didn't graduate with honors, but I did graduate on time and with some doing.
Bob Schieffer
But the reporter has the responsibility to determine, number one, whether that is true, and number two, to make a judgment as to whether it's in the public interest and whether or not it should be part of the debate.
Bob Schieffer
We now assume that when people turn on the evening news, they basically already know what the news is. They've heard it on the radio. They've seen it on the Internet. They've seen it on one of the cable companies. So that makes our job a bit different.
Bob Schieffer
In so many of the other beats these days, there are these layers of public relations people that you have to go through to get to the newsmakers themselves.
Bob Schieffer
The government's view is that the best time to announce bad news, news that it doesn't want the public to dwell on is late on a Friday, when it will wind up in the Saturday papers, which if you were readers, then the week day editions. A holiday weekend is even better.
Bob Schieffer
Nowadays I'm not even sure if newspapers take into account whether a person is a good writer.
Bob Schieffer
But with 9/11, we found that people tended to come back to the networks and the people who had been our core viewers in the past came back and they have stayed with us.
Bob Schieffer
I want to try to talk like normal people talk, not just stand there and bark at the camera.
Bob Schieffer
They've asked me to do this temporarily. I don't know what temporarily means. Life is temporary.
Bob Schieffer
I think journalism is a great way to do public service, to have an impact on your community.
Bob Schieffer
One thing young people have to always keep in mind when deciding what they want to do with their lives is, is it fun? Is it something that I'm interested in? Is it something I enjoy?
Bob Schieffer
But if you don't enjoy doing something, you'll be miserable no matter how much money you make.
Bob Schieffer
I mean, you know, God knows everything, but I'm not quite that good. Every once in a while, something will slip by me.
Bob Schieffer
With Vietman, we found ourselves involved there before we really understood what was going on.
Bob Schieffer
Obviously, if the commander makes certain decisions that the reporter thinks is inhibiting his right to report a legitimate story, he has to appeal to the commander's boss to get that changed.
Bob Schieffer
My job is to give everyone a chance to catch their breath and step back from all this and get back to work.
Bob Schieffer
American politics used to be an amateur sport. But somewhere along the way, we handed over to professionals all the things people used to do for free.
Bob Schieffer