Quotes By Blaise Pascal
Thus so wretched is man that he would weary even without any cause for weariness... and so frivolous is he that, though full of a thousand reasons for weariness, the least thing, such as playing billiards or hitting a ball, is sufficient enough to amuse him.
Blaise Pascal
Man's true nature being lost, everything becomes his nature; as, his true good being lost, everything becomes his good.
Blaise Pascal
Nature is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.
Blaise Pascal
There are two kinds of people one can call reasonable: those who serve God with all their heart because they know him, and those who seek him with all their heart because they do not know him.
Blaise Pascal
There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.
Blaise Pascal
We like security: we like the pope to be infallible in matters of faith, and grave doctors to be so in moral questions so that we can feel reassured.
Blaise Pascal
Continuous eloquence wearies. Grandeur must be abandoned to be appreciated. Continuity in everything is unpleasant. Cold is agreeable, that we may get warm.
Blaise Pascal
Nothing fortifies scepticism more than the fact that there are some who are not sceptics; if all were so, they would be wrong.
Blaise Pascal
If all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world.
Blaise Pascal
One must know oneself. If this does not serve to discover truth, it at least serves as a rule of life and there is nothing better.
Blaise Pascal
I can well conceive a man without hands, feet, head. But I cannot conceive man without thought; he would be a stone or a brute.
Blaise Pascal
Time heals griefs and quarrels, for we change and are no longer the same persons. Neither the offender nor the offended are any more themselves.
Blaise Pascal
Desire and force between them are responsible for all our actions; desire causes our voluntary acts, force our involuntary.
Blaise Pascal
Happiness is neither without us nor within us. It is in God, both without us and within us.
Blaise Pascal
If we must not act save on a certainty, we ought not to act on religion, for it is not certain. But how many things we do on an uncertainty, sea voyages, battles!
Blaise Pascal
Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.
Blaise Pascal