Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. Abraham Lincoln
Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.
Everybody likes a compliment. Abraham Lincoln
Everybody likes a compliment.
No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens. Abraham Lincoln
No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.
Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves. Abraham Lincoln
Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves.
I will prepare and some day my chance will come. Abraham Lincoln
I will prepare and some day my chance will come.
The ballot is stronger than the bullet. Abraham Lincoln
The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it. Abraham Lincoln
If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.
We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln
We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.